Nathan’s Golf Day

We’ve had really wet weather in Queensland, Australia lately and Sunday was no different. The sky was overcast and there wasn’t much to do at home. So Uncle Jak suggested that we head out to the driving range.

最近天氣真的不知道在攪什麼鬼, 下大雨, 澳洲黃金海岸部份地方還淹水. 難得這個星期天, 雨沒那麼大, 那就決定了到GOLF場看看, 打回GOLF吧!

While we were all changing into our outfits. Nathan noticed that everyone was wearing white except mummy!

當然最開心最興奮的是NATHAN喇~ 當每個人很忙地換衣服時, NATHAN看到我, 很不滿意地說: “HEY, Mummy, 你不能去, 因為你沒有穿白色衣服!”  老大呀, 為什麼一定要穿白色呢? 管家仔, 真係個管家仔, 沒改錯名, 好, 下次他去中文學校時, 我要幫他加個中文名 “駱管家” 哈哈~ 把兒子的名作玩意, 不錯不錯.

Nathan: Mummy! You can’t play golf in that *points to mummy’s black shirt* You need to wear white!

LOL Kids, say the cutest things!

Due to the rain, driving range was closed so we ended up playing putt putt!

因為早上下大雨, GOLF場關了, 沒辦法打. 那就改去另一邊練入”隆”. 舅父用教Nathan打GOLF.

Do your little ones play golf too? What sports do your little ones do? We’d love to hear from you!

你的寶貝也有玩GOLF嗎? 他/她們喜歡什麼類型運動呢?

Nathan had a great day at golf! How did you spend your Sunday? We hope the rain didn’t stop you from having fun on Sunday!

這天雖然天氣一般, 可是我們過了個很開心的星期天. 你呢? 你們的週末怎樣過的呢? 在黃金海岸的你, 希望你不會被這些雨水影響你的心情喔.


Bubbi Joey

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