Funny – What does your child want to be when they grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Last week I walked into Nathan’s pre-school classroom, I saw a big poster on the wall with a big headline “WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?”

I was looking down the list…

Sophie wants to be a teacher…

Noah wants to be a soccer player…

Bi-Jou wants to be a professional dentist…

Ashley wants to be a professional doctor and Cruz wants to be a fireman…

Looking down the list… I still haven’t found my boy Nathan’s name…  keep looking… scrolling down through the list…. Down till the end of the poster…

Nathan (4 years old) wants to be…

BATMAN?  @.@

As I wasn’t sure if Nathan understood the question, so I turned to Nathan and asked:

“Nathan, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

Nathan said loudly and proudly:

Batman Nathan

I said: “No Nathan, you can be anything that you want to be but not Batman. What do u want to be when you grow up? Like … a Doctor? A Lawyer?

Nathan replied with a grumpy look,

“No mum, I want to be Batman! I want to kill all the bad guys!”

Hahahaha… at least I know that he has a protective nature to him. He has been in his “BATMAN” world for a while now. At least he didn’t say he wants to be “Thomas the Tank”! Hahaha my little boy is growing up… he has shifted from being a “Thomas the Tank” fan to the Batman world now. Oh well…I guess I will have to ask him in a few months time what he wants to be when he grows up.

What do your little one’s want to be when they grow up?

Batman Nathan Comin Strip By Bubbi Joey

The Modern Day Mama – What Mother’s want for Mother’s Day

It is that time of year, for those of you who don’t know or have forgotten: Mother’s Day is on this Sunday, May 13.

Have you gotten something for your mum yet?

No? Don’t fret! There’s still time for you to do some last minute shopping or depending on what your mum really wants, you might not even need to ‘buy’ her anything. Not too sure what to do for Mother’s Day? Read on for some ideas or inspiration.

In honour of Mother’s Day Bubbi Joey, is featuring an infographic from Internet Exposure. Here you will see just how tech savvy the modern day mamas have become, as well as what they really want for Mother’s Day.

My favourite stats and information from Internet Exposure’s “Not Yo’ Mama’s Mama” infographic is in regards to Mum’s and Facebook

“Cute” Things Yo’ Mum Does on Facebook – Comments on the things your friends post…ask you to check out her ‘farm’…LOL

Not Yo' Mama's Mama Digital Mom Infographic

The Modern Day Mama is definitely tech savvy. So should we get her the latest electronic gadgets – smart phone or tablet perhaps? Or would she rather something else?

Chantelle Ellem from Fat Mum Slim created this graphic on “What Mums Really Want this Mother’s Day”

What Mums Really Want this Mother's Day

When Chantelle was asked what she wanted for Mother’s Day, this was her response:

 “I don’t really want anything. I mean, I want things, but not for Mother’s Day. I’m just happy to have my little family and to be with them on my day. I think Hubby thinks he’s walking into a trap because you know how we can be. When we say nothing, do we mean nothing or do we meant something?”

LOL how true is that? I am sorry guys, yes us females can be quite confusing at times. Read Chantelle’s full blog entry here: Mother’s Day: What we really want

What will you be buying for mum on Mother’s Day and what are you hoping to get?

But either way, there is one thing that we can all agree that “No language can express the power and beauty and heroism of a mother’s love.”  -Edwin Chapin for this reason the greatest gift that we can shower all Mothers is our Gratitude and Appreciation for all that they’ve done for us. Tell Mum “Thank You” and “I Love You”.

Here at Bubbi Joey, we would like to honour and celebrate all Mothers all over the world with this special Mother’s Day graphic (please click on the image to enlarge it).

Happy Mother's Day from Bubbi Joey

Photographer credits: Hilde Vanstraelen