Funny – What does your child want to be when they grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Last week I walked into Nathan’s pre-school classroom, I saw a big poster on the wall with a big headline “WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?”

I was looking down the list…

Sophie wants to be a teacher…

Noah wants to be a soccer player…

Bi-Jou wants to be a professional dentist…

Ashley wants to be a professional doctor and Cruz wants to be a fireman…

Looking down the list… I still haven’t found my boy Nathan’s name…  keep looking… scrolling down through the list…. Down till the end of the poster…

Nathan (4 years old) wants to be…

BATMAN?  @.@

As I wasn’t sure if Nathan understood the question, so I turned to Nathan and asked:

“Nathan, what do you want to be when you grow up?”

Nathan said loudly and proudly:

Batman Nathan

I said: “No Nathan, you can be anything that you want to be but not Batman. What do u want to be when you grow up? Like … a Doctor? A Lawyer?

Nathan replied with a grumpy look,

“No mum, I want to be Batman! I want to kill all the bad guys!”

Hahahaha… at least I know that he has a protective nature to him. He has been in his “BATMAN” world for a while now. At least he didn’t say he wants to be “Thomas the Tank”! Hahaha my little boy is growing up… he has shifted from being a “Thomas the Tank” fan to the Batman world now. Oh well…I guess I will have to ask him in a few months time what he wants to be when he grows up.

What do your little one’s want to be when they grow up?

Batman Nathan Comin Strip By Bubbi Joey