Bubbi Joey’s First Expo at The Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne 2012

Bubbi Joey's first Expo at the Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne 2012

The Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne 2012 was Bubbi Joey’s first ever Exhibition. Thank you for the warm welcome Melbourne! We loved it and it was so lovely to meet all of you at the Expo! Bubbi Joey would like to say a big THANK YOU to all who came and said “Hello” to us. We really appreciate the support!

Busy busy setting up the Bubbi Joey stand for expo

The Bubbi Joey Team left Coolangatta Airport, Gold Coast bright (actually not even, the sun wasn’t even up yet!) and early on Thursday 29th March. As soon as we arrived we headed straight to our hotel, checked in and freshen up and off we went to the Melbourne Exhibition Centre to set up the Bubbi Joey stand.

The Bubbi Joey stand coming together

We spent the entire afternoon putting the stand together trying to figure out what was the best configuration. Once the stand was completely set up, we were all pretty pumped and excited for the show to begin despite only having 3 hours of sleep!

The Bubbi Joey stand all ready for The Baby & Toddler Show

Day One at the expo bright and early. Doing any last minute final touches. Eagerly waiting for the big doors of the exhibition centre to open for the show to begin.

Bubbi Joey Flyers, Magazine and lucky draw entry forms

WELCOME TO BUBBI JOEY!!!Welcome to Bubbi JoeyTeam Bubbi Joey Carol & Debbie

Debbie assisting parents on completing the Bubbi Joey lucky draw form and informing them what the prizes are.

Bubbi Joey Lucky Draw entries

Look at all the lucky draw entries we received! That’s just Day 1. Thank you to all for participating in the Bubbi Joey lucky draw.

Cute yummy cake & ice cream shaped cotton towels from Bubbi Joey

The popular cake display! For those that did not have the opportunity to visit as at the show, Bubbi Joey introduced these delicious ice creams and cakes made from cotton towels. They were available for purchase and as free gift with purchases with Bubbi Joey. Due to popular demand, we will be introducing these to our online store www.bubbijoey.com.au soon! Stay tuned!

Bubbi Joey hair accessories

Every fashionista knows a great piece of accesory can really enhance and complete a look thus Bubbi Joey introduced hair accessories to our range at the Expo. Here at Bubbi Joey, we are constantly looking at new items to add to our assortment list. Keep an eye on our online store as we’ll be including an accessories section real soon! Available soon at www.bubbijoey.com.au

Team Bubbi Joey Debbie & JakNathan on the Bubbi Joey Lucky Draw Banner

The cute adorable Nathan was featured on our Lucky Draw banner. Check out the pic below of Nathan and Uncle Jak doing the same pose. Don’t they look alike? Most people thought that Nathan was Jak’s son LOL but Nathan is Jak’s nephew.

Nathan & Uncle Jak at the Bubbi Joey standDebbie with Max & Milly from New MacDonald's Farm at The Baby & Toddler ShowBananas in Pyjamas are right next to Bubbi Joey

Bubbi Joey was very lucky to be right next to the meet and greet station. We got to meet Max & Milly and got to see Bananas in Pyjamas.

Bananas in Pyjamas

The Bananas in Pyjamas were such a hit with the little ones, the line up to meet them was massive! But I think the adults were just as excited to see them too especially Jak! Haha. He would disappear from the Bubbi Joey stand whenever Banannas were at the Meet & Greet station or on stage just to catch a glimpse and take photos of them. Such a big kid huh?

We didn’t quite manage to get a photo with the ‘real’ Bananas so the banner would have to do. Jak was quite sad that he didn’t get the opportunity to take a photo with them so I jokingly told him that I could always photoshop him in a photo with them. LOL funny story.

Bubbi Joey stand after a few tweaks

The Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne 2012 was such a great experience for Bubbi Joey. With each passing day at the show Bubbi Joey grew and learned so much.

Bubbi Joey at The Baby & Toddler Show Melbourne 2012

The 3 days of Expo was amazing and full on. The Bubbi Joey Team were kept on their toes from 8.30am to 4.30pm everyday. The awesome people that we met, the fantastic support and great feedback that we received was just unbelieveable. Thank you!

As The Baby & Toddler show came to an end on Sunday the 2nd of April, it was bump out time for the Bubbi Joey stand. It was a long day but a truly satifying one. Bubbi Joey had an amazing first Expo experience. Bubbi Joey looks forward to future expos and seeing Melbourne again!